Beyond 2002
Developed in 2002
To investigate and implement changes that would address the following questions:-
- What would help me with my responsibilities
- What would I like to see done differently
- What do we need to do to ensure Scouting on Hayling remains strong.
- The questions were asked of the Leaders, our Executive Committee and a subset of Parents.
- The lists were merged and prioritised
- There were no boundaries applied during the initial data gathering phases.
- Cost was not to be considered an inhibitor for any idea.
What Did We Achieve
Running a Scout Group
- All tasks required to run a Scout Group documented and from these roles and job descriptions developed.
- New Group management structure defined from the above and roles that needed volunteers were published.
- (e.g. Gift Aid Coordinator, Caretaker, HQ Bookings, HQ and Land Management & Maintenance etc).
- The new structure was implemented in 2003.
- View Structure
- View Role Descriptions
Safety & Security Project
- New Roof, Windows, Doors (back & front) & lighting
- New Kitchen work surfaces and drinking fountain
Young Leaders
- We focussed on bringing in more young leaders and now have an average age of <35 for Scouts / Explorers.
Sharing Programmes, Games and Ideas
- We have added a regular feature to our Leaders meetings to share ideas, and hold an Annual Leader Games evening.
- Skill sessions for Leaders
Celebrate 75 Years
- A magical Group Camp with a difference for our 75th Birthday in 2004.
Other Items
- Replaced / renewed games and activity equipment
- Meetings to look forwards, not backwards
- Admin workload on Leaders reduced through parent volunteers (Subs, Collection, Lists)
- Improvements to regular communications and introduction of “The Woggle” newsletter and the Group Web Site