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3rd Hayling Scouts

The 3rd Hayling Scout Group is a registered charity. Charity number 308136


Leader DBS


< July
01 Saturn Go Paddling - Go Sport Activity Centre
04 agm - Hayling Scout HQ
18 agm - Hayling Scout HQ
25==> Eagles Camp - France

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Wish List / Damage Report Management

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Type Damage ID D19003
Reporter Jordan Reed Area HQ
Status Assigned Last Update 19/06/19
Report Retaining lock on the loft ladder broken, therefore not stowing safety when in the upright arrangement.
Type Damage ID D22009
Reporter Tom Lincoln Area Camping Equip
Status Assigned Last Update 21/07/22
Report Number 4 sod cloth ripped, missing number marking
Type Damage ID D22014
Reporter Andrew Harrison Area General Equip
Status Submitted Last Update 12/12/22
Report Container at Rob's floor rotting - needs everything emptying and floor replacing - a summer job.
Type Damage ID D22015
Reporter Andrew Harrison Area HQ
Status Assigned Last Update 09/03/24
Report Bouncy bit of floor in storeroom in front of rack of bowls and utensils - needs risk assesment, may be ok.
Type Damage ID D23004
Reporter Andrew Harrison Area General Equip
Status Assigned Last Update 10/11/23
Report One bench in the container is broken. Many benches have legs that don't click positively in place - does this need a review?
Type Damage ID D23008
Reporter Jamie Bray Area Camping Equip
Status Submitted Last Update 09/06/23
Report Mess tent (double width door end) canvas worn in corners and now have holes. Needs reinforcing before it becomes worse. I can help with transport if needed. Pics on request.
Type Damage ID D23009
Reporter Jamie Bray Area Camping Equip
Status Assigned Last Update 11/06/23
Report "Newer" benches in stores need inspecting to ensure legs stay locked in place. 1 bench collapsed on camp with no horseplay. Couldn't mark the bench and lost in unloading. All benches prob need checking as all about the same age. Risk of injury by fall or entrapment if there is a fault.
Type Damage ID D23011
Reporter James Perfett Area HQ
Status Submitted Last Update 29/08/23
Report Concrete path round the side of the day hall has sunk quite badly leaving a big trip hazard it will need breaking out and redoing properly not just going over the top or it will crack and come loose. I have cement & ballast spare just short on spare time.
Type Damage ID D24008
Reporter Andrew Harrison Area HQ
Status Assigned Last Update 08/03/24
Report Day room wall mounted radiant heaters - only the middle 2 seem to be working.
Type Damage ID D24010
Reporter Jamie Bray Area HQ
Status Assigned Last Update 08/03/24
Report New rear floodlight not working
Type Damage ID D24011
Reporter James Perfett Area HQ
Status Submitted Last Update 12/04/24
Report Heater in main hall not working tried relighting the pilot light no luck Is it time for a new heater ?
Type Damage ID D24014
Reporter Andrew Harrison Area HQ
Status Submitted Last Update 28/04/24
Report Main Hall windows and locks failing. For example the North end window handle is very loose, the next window along drops slightly when opened and requires considerable force to close. Can these be repaired? or do we need to budget for replacement?
Type Damage ID D24015
Reporter Andrew Harrison Area Transport
Status Submitted Last Update 15/05/24
Report Keyed alike padlocks on large trailer are becoming iffy. One refuses to lock so something has failed internally. Not an issue yet as one lock on the tailgate is redundant but suggest replacing the whole set at some point - that's 4 locks.
Type Damage ID D24016
Reporter Andrew Harrison Area HQ
Status Submitted Last Update 26/05/24
Report Various sockets not working e.g. Book store and the one in the leaders den by the door. Fixed by resetting the circuit breaker - anecdotaly this needs resetting quite often. That sounds wrong, what is on that circuit? Need to reconfigure if it is near capacity.