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3rd Hayling Scouts

The 3rd Hayling Scout Group is a registered charity. Charity number 308136


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< September

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Run the Xmas Post


The changing rules from Scouting and the Charities Commission along wth changing expectations are all making administration of our events more demanding. Over the years we have also realised just how many tasks are associated with our Xmas Post service.

Our Online Event can help with all of this with:-

  • Automatic reservation of the HQ (for sorting and delivery)
  • Build the web page including the booking process and forms for offers of help.
  • Simple approach to registering income & Expense and tracking of refunded expenses
  • Create your final accounts and send these to the treasurer with a single button
  • A detailed checklist that covers all activities leading up to and including sort and delivery.

Key Stages in preparing for our Xmas Post

  1. Activities up to and including creating the Event Web Page (This page - see below)
  2. Activities to be completed up to and including delivery - Available in Event Record after create event
Preparation for Event Create
The Booking Form (of Delivery Rounds) and the "How the Xmas Post Works" PDF are used during the Event Create process and must be updated before selecting "Event Create"
Update Booking Form
(The Booking Form is created from the updated Roads, Courts and Delivery Rounds.)
Delivery Rounds
  • Add New Roads & Courts
  • View delivery round sizes from last sales (if updated)
  • Review current Delivery Rounds
  • Change Delivery Rounds as necessary.
Booking Form
No additional changes have been made since the Booking Form was created. No action Required.
Update How Xmas Post Works
(The PDF version of this document is accessed from the Event web page and sent to all Parents.)
Download Word Document
The final version must be a PDF file, but to help with updates you can download the existing word format version.
Reload Documents
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Create Event
(This can be done any time after the above are complete but by the middle of September.)
There is already an active Xmas Post Event created for this year. Before you can create another you will need to cancel the existing event record, BUT - do not do this if bookings are already active.  

Next Steps
Xmas Post Checklist
You have now completed the setup tasks and created the Xmas Post event. Support for this event continues with an interactive checklist in the Event file. To access this file and view the checklist, select this Xmas Post entry from "Mange Active Events" on the Leaders / GDT home page.
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