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3rd Hayling Scouts

The 3rd Hayling Scout Group is a registered charity. Charity number 308136


Leader DBS


< November
03 Fireworks Display - Hayling Island

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Admin Support for your Camp

Sign In Required

You will need to sign in to create and manage the event, so I know who you are

Why Use this Approach

The changing rules from Scouting and the Charities Commission along wth changing expectations are all making administration of our events more demanding. Camps are no exception.

Our Camp Online Event can help with all of this with:-

  • Create and email a NAN Form in line with the latest requirements from Scouting.
  • Simple approach to registering income & Expense and tracking of refunded expenses
  • Create your final accounts and send these to the treasurer with a single button
  • Create a web page for your event, visible from your section page
  • Online Bookings and Health Forms from attendees, track their payments and forms.
What Do I Need

To create your event support all you need to have are:-

  • The times and dates of your Camp, its location and cost
  • The name of the Nights Away Permit holder (if not you) and the names of the other Adults who will be helping
  • You will also be able to choose to turn off online booking for your participants
  • A good rule of thumb is to complete the build (#nights + 2) months before the camp. (e.g. 4 months for a 2 night camp, or 9 months for a 7 night camp)
Create the Camp Event
Create the Event Record
This will create the web page, accounts file, booking and health forms.
Note: You will be able to reserve any camp resources you need after the initial create.
Next Steps

You have now created the admin support pages for your camp. The event web page is available from your section pages.
The default options created are:-

Booking Online Booking or download booking form. Bookings open from 3 months before your camp or today, whichever is the later.
Health Forms Online completion or Download Default Form, complete and return.
Payment Cash, Cheque or bank transfer. No deposit required
Note: Installments option enabled for camps of more than 3 nights.
Activities No activities selected for inclusion.
Web Page Displayed on section pages, 3 months before start of camp or today, whichever is the later.

Set New Options You can change these and other options by selecting "Change Event" from this page or with "My Events" from the Leaders Hme Page, and selecting "Change" for this camp.

Administration Support
You have now created the camp event. Support for this event continues in the Event file under "show/hide options". To access this file and view the options, select your camp entry from "Mange Active Events" on the Leaders home page.
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