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3rd Hayling Scouts

The 3rd Hayling Scout Group is a registered charity. Charity number 308136


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What is the Scout Network

The Scout Network provides young adults aged 18 to 25 the opportunity to start or continue their active involvement in Scouting, work towards their Queen's Scout Award, the Duke of Edinburgh Awards and take part in local, County and national activities with groups of their own age.

At the age of 18 many of our young people go off to University or other full time education. Many of these move away from Hayling but would still like to “play” at being Scouts and the Scout Network allows them to retain full membership as part of a uniformed section.

Although this section has a designated leader, the units tend to be self organised and develop their own way of operating. The frequency and content of their meetings will be based on the availability and interest of the members and will often take place at weekends or other holiday periods.

Select Register and complete the form to find out more information about "Dreadnought" which encompasses our local Network unit.

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