Adult Information Pages
What is the GDT ?
The Leaders are responsible for the provision of Scouting for the youth membership of the Group. The Group Development Team (otherwise known as the Executive Committee) is responsible for the management of the Scout Group and ensuring the Leades have the equipment and facilities they require.
What does the Group Development Team Do?
The Group Development Team (GDT) is made up of the trustees of the Group (Group Scout Leader, Chairman and Treasurer), individuals with specific responsibilities (e.g. Secretary, Quartermaster) and up to 9 Parent Representatives, ideally with a mix of Parents covering Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers.
Parent Representatives have responsibilities similar to those of School Governors in that they are an integral part of the Scout Group's management team.
The Group Development Team (GDT) has the following prime responsibilities:-
- To ensure the Leaders have the equipment and facilities they require
- To ensure the equipment and facilities are maintained in good working order
- To promote Scouting locally and to develop positive relationships with other organisations and businesses.
- To oversee all subscription, fund-raising and donation activity for the group. (The GDT is not a fund raising committee)
- To manage the Group Accounts and meet the requirements of the Charities Commission. (This is the responsibility of our Treasurer).
- To ensure the ongoing success and future development of Scouting on Hayling Island
The GDT meets 6 times per year and the meetings will normally cover a range of topics consisting of status updates of current events and activities, review and decisions on future actions plus any other relevant items. The decisions made by this body are key as they commit funding and resources to maintenance and new projects.
During the meetings the team will also consider ideas generated from either the Leader Meetings or GDt meetings that will develop Scouting on Hayling Island. For example recently the team have been exploring how to promote the benefits of Scouting to parents of very young children through displays, activity sessions and general publications.
Select Register and complete the form to find out more information about our Group Development Team.