The WoggleThe newsletter of the 3rd Hayling Scout Group |
GSL's Update Saturn Pack win District Football
The team will now represent Havant District in the County Finals at the end of March. Thank You for supporting Duck Race Chief Scouts Silver Award
Top Beaver Awards and to Callum Heathcote, Benjamin Grainger and Harrison Webster of Redwood Colony who received the same award. |
100 Club 2009 If you have been a member previously you will be sent details and an application form by Lorna Simpson our 100 Club coordinator. Families in the group will shortly receive a letter with the details and an application form. Beavers & Cubs attend special reception 17 Beavers and Cubs from Hayling recently attended a special presentation at the Civic Offices in Havant to receive a certificate from the Mayor, Cllr John Smith. The presentation was to recognise the gaining of the Chief Scout Bronze and Silver awards during the past few months. The Mayor is a great supporter of young people and praised the Beavers and Cubs on their achievement and also the Parents and Leaders who play a major role. St George's Day Service Date: Thursday 23rd April 2009 St George is the patron Saint of England and Scouting. Each year Scouts all over the UK join together, normally in Districts to celebrate the life of St George and to remake their Scout Promise. This is an important day in the life of all Scouts, whatever their age. A letter has been sent home with details of times, place and transport arrangements. |
Annual Awards Evening Advanced notice of this special review of our events plus a look at our 80 years celebrations. Everyone welcome. Subscriptions Want to know what your child's section is doing? Can you give us 20 hours a year? With the recent expansion of the Group we would now like to increase the GDT by a minimum of 2 Parent Reps. There are 7 meetings a year. You can find our more by looking on our website under "About Hayling Scouts" or by contacting Ian Hawke or Phil Blosse. HQ Notice Board |
80th Birthday Family Camp What Happens Next? In the meantime if you have any questions please contact your Leader or myself. Dates for your Diary are Friday 26th-28th June 2009 Diary Dates March April May |