The Woggle

The newsletter of the 3rd Hayling Scout Group
March 2009

GSL's Update

Saturn Pack win District Football
Well done to the Cubs of Saturn Pack who recently won the Havant District Football competition held at the Hayling United ground. 7 teams took part, including teams from all three Hayling Cub Packs with Saturn Pack 'A' team winning the league.The winning team were Simba Bailey, James Notley, Tom Randell, Harry Ewens, Matthew Roberts, Daniel Cassidy, Matthew Compton who can be seen in the red kit in the photo below.


The team will now represent Havant District in the County Finals at the end of March.

Thank You for supporting Duck Race
Thank you to everyone who supported our Duck Race. In the end over 850 took to the water with the winning duck being number 205, owned by David Merrett. Well done to the Explorer's for running the event and organising the catering for the day.

Chief Scouts Silver Award
Well done to Joshua Adams and Jamie Gray of Jupiter Pack on receiving their top awards.


Top Beaver Awards
Well done to Robert Sandford, Ross Ferguson Harry Whipp of Aspen Beaver Colony all received their Chief Scout Bronze Awards.

and to Callum Heathcote, Benjamin Grainger and Harrison Webster of Redwood Colony who received the same award.

100 Club 2009
It is now time to register to join or rejoin our 100 Club. The first draw will take place at the end of April and there will again be 41 prizes spread throughout the following 12 months.

If you have been a member previously you will be sent details and an application form by Lorna Simpson our 100 Club coordinator. Families in the group will shortly receive a letter with the details and an application form.

Beavers & Cubs attend special reception

17 Beavers and Cubs from Hayling recently attended a special presentation at the Civic Offices in Havant to receive a certificate from the Mayor, Cllr John Smith.

The presentation was to recognise the gaining of the Chief Scout Bronze and Silver awards during the past few months. The Mayor is a great supporter of young people and praised the Beavers and Cubs on their achievement and also the Parents and Leaders who play a major role.

St George's Day Service

Date: Thursday 23rd April 2009

St George is the patron Saint of England and Scouting. Each year Scouts all over the UK join together, normally in Districts to celebrate the life of St George and to remake their Scout Promise. This is an important day in the life of all Scouts, whatever their age.

A letter has been sent home with details of times, place and transport arrangements.

Annual Awards Evening
Date: Wednesday 20th May
Time 19:30 to 21:00
Venue HQ

Advanced notice of this special review of our events plus a look at our 80 years celebrations. Everyone welcome.

Just a reminder that our subscriptions will increase to £24 per term from April 2009. You should have all received a leaflet explaining what happens to subs and also a standing order form to be sent to your bank for those of you paying (or wanting to pay) by this method.

Want to know what your child's section is doing?
Then take a look at the "Section News" on our website.

Can you give us 20 hours a year?
In addition to our sections a key element of our Group is the Group Development Team (GDT). This team is the management team of the Group and is responsible for the provision of facilities and equipment required by the Leaders.

With the recent expansion of the Group we would now like to increase the GDT by a minimum of 2 Parent Reps. There are 7 meetings a year. You can find our more by looking on our website under "About Hayling Scouts" or by contacting Ian Hawke or Phil Blosse.

HQ Notice Board
We are making more use of our notice boards in the HQ entrance lobby. You will now find details of all of our events on the board nearest to the doors leading into the main hall.

80th Birthday Family Camp
Our list of activities is growing. Whilst we do not want to give away all of our secrets, we will have a Climbing Tower, a number of inflatable games, castles and assault courses suitable for all ages and the team are working on a series of challenges and initiative tests as well as some more traditional Scouting activities such as whittling, cooking, and fire lighting.

What Happens Next?
After Easter, we will provide an information pack to every family which will provide more information on the activities, the menu and camping arrangements. This will also include a statement of account for fees.

In the meantime if you have any questions please contact your Leader or myself.

Dates for your Diary are Friday 26th-28th June 2009

Diary Dates

25th GDT Meeting

1st Leaders Meeting
23rd St Georges Day Service
30th 100 Club First Draw

17th Lions Langstone Walk
20th Annual Awards Evening
30th Book Sale