Parent Information Pages


So now you are invested, you need to contribute to the running costs of Scouting on Hayling.

Lets start with a couple of facts that are sometimes missed or forgotten:

  1. No person involved with the Hayling Scouts gets paid for what they do - we are all volunteers.
  2. We do not receive any financial help from national or local government and all we have and need we have to fund ourselves.

Our annual turnover, excluding Camps is over £20,000 and we cover this cost through a combination of Subscriptions, fund raising and donations. Our objective is always to keep our Subs as low as possible whilst ensuring that we are able to provide the leaders with the facilities and equipment to offer exciting Scouting.

How Much are Subs?

From April 2012 our subscriptions will be £90 (they have been £72 per year since 2008). See below for payment options. This is effectively just £2 per week, a cost which compares very favourably with other activities that young people often get involved with. The level of subs is reviewed each November and any changes are implemented in the following April.

What are Subscriptions For

The subscriptions contribute to 5 main components of cost:-

Every 2 years we produce a detailed analysis of the Subscriptions. Follow this link for the latest version.

How do I Pay my Subs

We are encouraging as many of you as possible to pay subs by standing order. Payments are made each month of the year at a rate of one twelfth of the total amount. From April 2012 our subs were set at £90 per year with standing order payments set at £7.50 per month. The advantage to you, of payment by standing order is that you do not have to remember the payment each term. Standing Order payments also help the leaders to worry about one less thing at the start of a term and also helps our treasurer, subs coordinators and Gift Aid secretary - so if you can pay by this method please speak to your leader to contact Ian Hawke. For any of you who can not pay by Standing Order, subs can still be paid by cheque or cash at £30 per term to be paid at the beginning of each term.

Please Do not forget Gift Aid

By signing a Gift Aid declaration we are able to recover 25p for each £1 of subs (that means £22.50 for the £90 subs per year) from the inland revenue. We do not require any personal or financial information from you nor do you have to take any action, other than to sign the Gift Aid form. The only criteria is that the person paying the subscription is a Tax Payer.

Gift Aid represents a significant income for the Group and helps us to keep our Subs down to one of the lowest in Hampshire.

You can now register for Gift Aid online, just select the link below.

REMEMBER - If you do not allow us to claim it, no one else can - so please help us