Eileen Clark

Report Date 19/03/10

Eileen was involved in Scouting over many years with her husband Albert who held various positions around the Country.

They settled on Hayling Island and in the 1970's Albert founded Lion Scout Troop and Eileen would often be found at Scout meetings and always at Scout camps run by her husband.

Her involvement also extended to being part of the very active fund raising committee that existed at that time. Her hard work and tireless energy resulted in many successful events including the Jumble Sales in the HQ and the Summer Fete's that were held annually at Mengham House. Eileen also helped out with our Beaver section from the time it started in the late 1980's.

Her efforts were recognised with the presentation of the Medal of Merit in the 1982 and she was later elected as a Vice President of Havant Scout District.

In addition to her involvement in Scouting, Eileen was also part of the Hayling Guides Trefoil Guild, always attending their meetings with the same sense of fun, humour and enthusiasm we had come to love about her in Scouting.

Thank you Eileen for your support over many years and our thoughts and prayers are with her sons, Peter and Greg and her really close friend Susan Beevor. We are also very grateful to everyone involved in choosing the 3rd Hayling Scout Group as the beneficiaries of donations made in memory of Eileen.